Mohamed El DahshanCairo, Feb. 3. The Egyptian army gained the trust of some by not using force against protesters.
CAIRO — In December 2007, six weeks before Kosovo’s independence I was privileged to sit in Pristina with a group of young, idealistic rising stars in the Kosovar political scene, as they tirelessly discussed their thoughts, hopes and plans for their nation to be born strong, democratic, dynamic, and politically mature. And I felt jealous. And I hoped I would, one day, I would too have such an animated discussion on the future of my country.
Fast forward to Feb. 11, 2011. Mubarak abdicates and, in the midst of our jubilation, Egyptians regain control over their country’s destiny. We are given the chance to shape our country into what we dreamt it could be.
But this dream was far from being clearly defined. In the 18 days of revolution thoughts seemed to focus on ousting Mubarak, and little more. Rapidly a number of groups, physical or virtual, were created to discuss the post-Mubarak era, defining their own more or less ambitious agendas. I joined one such mailing list and was added, at my behest, to five others — all with wonderfully hopeful names, all discussing excellent initiatives for social development and community assistance.
But this dream was far from being clearly defined. In the 18 days of revolution thoughts seemed to focus on ousting Mubarak, and little more. Rapidly a number of groups, physical or virtual, were created to discuss the post-Mubarak era, defining their own more or less ambitious agendas. I joined one such mailing list and was added, at my behest, to five others — all with wonderfully hopeful names, all discussing excellent initiatives for social development and community assistance.
And all almost entirely devoid of the solid, political discussion this country now needs the most.
Even as new revolutions are erupting around the Middle East at a dizzying pace, we in Egypt are now officially governed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which on Sunday issued a statement stating it will remain at the nation’s helm for six months — “or until elections are held.”
Even as new revolutions are erupting around the Middle East at a dizzying pace, we in Egypt are now officially governed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which on Sunday issued a statement stating it will remain at the nation’s helm for six months — “or until elections are held.”
In effect, we are looking at an indefinite period of military rule, during which the constitution will be suspended and legislation will be by direct military decree.
Not a distant scenario from one we had foreseen — but being in its midst is worrisome to say the least, particularly in absence of any guarantee that the army will indeed follow up on its pledges to assist transition to a civilian democratic regime. We are governed by an omnipotent military establishment, and are hoping they will make the right decisions on our behalf. We are effectively sidelined from the decision making process.
So why are we focusing our energy on multiplying efforts to create telephone hot lines for people to gather up and clean the streets — wonderful an endeavor as it may be — and not a candid discussion on the country’s democratic future?
I’ll venture an answer: because the army is a rather intimidating institution. But in the complex balance of powers in Egypt, it also appears to be the people’s sole “ally” (I use the term loosely here). To illustrate this point, consider a conversation I had with one of the volunteers yesterday, recounting the gentle nudging the army gave demonstrators on Saturday night, after deploying in relatively massive fashion after midnight: “They told us to clear the streets and onto the sidewalk. We didn’t argue too much, though, and it was decided we oblige. We can’t afford to lose them.”
Egypt’s political needs to be brought to the heart of the public, popular and media discourse. We mustn’t be afraid to put forward our disagreements with the Supreme Council — and discuss ways we, the people, can hold it accountable. Because we, the people, through this revolution, have acquired our rightful position as the country’s main source of political legitimacy.
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